Glossary of terms
Reasoning is the process of using existing knowledge to draw conclusions, make predictions, or construct explanations.
What is the importance of ToR? Is ToR similar to Project Brief? Let's find out the tips and tricks behind the scenes.
Deprovisioning is the act of removing user access to applications, systems and data within a network. It's the diametric opposite of provisioning, which grants, deploys and activates services for users in a system.
The Cone of Uncertainty is a graphic depiction of the increasing accuracy that is possible for estimates as the details of a project become more known over time.
IT staff augmentation is a hiring model which essentially provides skilled, qualified talent to a company’s in-house IT team to act as an extension of said team on a specific term basis.
Exit criteria are the criteria or requirements which must be met to complete a specific task or process as used in some fields of business or science, such as software engineering.
There are three different activity types: discrete effort, apportioned effort and level of effort activities.
Change managers focus on supporting individuals, while project managers focus on achieving results.